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Juurakko: Yhdeksäs talvi – The Ninth Winter

IMU-Inkoon musiikki (2019)

Juurakko’s third album, Yhdeksäs talvi – The Ninth Winter, is the best kind of medicine for the season of grey and cold. The record is built around the theme of winter, polar nights, mulled wine and the warmth of the fireplace, sleet, slush and twilight time.

Recorded and mixed by Oona Kapari / Kuohu Records
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck / Chartmakers
Layout by Jimmy Träskelin
Photos by Janne Mikkilä Photography

Spotify: Räntää, hyhmää (Sleet and Slush, 2019)
Spotify: Koska meill’ on joulu? (Polar Night Blues, 2019)

Juurakko: Oi, Maalina

IMU-Inkoon musiikki (2017)

On their second album Oi, Maalina Juurakko has
taken one step further into the world of roots and
blues, introducing venturesome sounds and odd

1. Pala sielua / Piece Of My Soul (3:31)
2. Uolevi kuolevi / The Death Of Uolevi (4:40)
3. Korte-Heikin lupaus / The Eery Vow Of Heikki The Horsetail (4:28)
4. Ennuskauppias V. Käki / The Fortuneteller (3:42)
5. Neiti se istuu kammiossa / The Maiden In The Chamber (5:38)
6. Tanssi, tanssi / The Dance (4:03)
7. Lauluneuvoja kanttori Kukkaselta / Instructions For Singing By Cantor D. H. Fagerros (3:33)
8. Kell’ onni on / Blessed With Happiness (4:12)
9. Otteita perämies Karlssonin elämästä / Excerpts From The Life Of Helmsman Karlsson (4:57)
10. Oi, Maalina (5:23)

Recorded, mixed and edited by Mikko Raita / Studio Kekkonen
Assistant engineering, additional recording and editing by Juho Salaterä / Studio Kekkonen
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck / Chartmakers
Layout by Jimmy Träskelin
Photos by Janne Mikkilä Photography

Juurakko: Lauluja kuistilta

IMU-Inkoon musiikki (2014)

The praised first album Lauluja kuistilta – Songs From The Porch was nominated for the 2014 Emma Awards (“the Finnish Grammys”) in the ethno album category.

1. Eipä kasva kaikki laulut / O Roots, Where Groweth Ye? (3:12)
2. Sormus se kulki itteksensä / The Ring Moved On Its Own (3:36)
3. Kerttu (3:21)
4. Ei oo / Ain’t Got Nothin’ (3:30)
5. En tullu talolle / Skedaddling (4:19)
6. Kolme sisarta / A Tale Of Three Sisters (4:21)
7. Haiku (2:23)
8. Serenadi neljälle Daltonille / Serenade For The Daltons (6:00)
9. Makasin unen manatun / A Wicked Dream I Dreamt (3:36)
10. Manalaissaari / The Isle Of Underworld (4:51)
11. Takaisin alkuun / Back To The Beginning (3:51)

Recorded, mixed and edited by Mikko Raita / Studio Kekkonen
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck / Chartmakers
Layout by Jimmy Träskelin
Photos by Janne Mikkilä Photography

Juurakko: Räntää, hyhmää / Sleet and Slush

from the album Yhdeksäs talvi — The Ninth Winter (2019)
Music by Juurakko
Lyrics by Kaisa Saarikorpi, Minsku Tammela
Arranged by Juurakko

Recorded and mixed by Oona Kapari / Kuohu Records
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck / Chartmakers
Video by Klaus Welp
Cast Peter Wright, Laura Kaartinen, Eija Kankaanranta, Kaisa Saarikorpi, Minsku Tammela, Anna Wiksten
In co-operation with Taiteen edistämiskeskus, IMU-Inkoon musiikki, Greenpeace

Juurakko: Eipä kasva kaikki laulut

Live at Studio Kekkonen (2014)

Music by Minsku Tammela
Lyrics trad. & Minsku Tammela 
Arranged by Juurakko

Recorded by Mikko Raita  and Julius Mauranen
Mixed by Mikko Raita
Video by Luomustudio
In co-operation with Soundtools